71 year Old female , without any other risk factors for Breast Cancer.
History of aproximately 6 months , during self examination : asymptomatic palpable nodule in the left upper inner quadrant .
Medio Lateral Oblique View , clearly identifies a dense nodule with espiculate bordes , without any lymph nodes seen in the axillary region.
Cefalo Caudal View : same lesion is identified in the posterior and inner quadrant of the left breast.
Ultrasound Image : 2.1 cm nodule of regular profile.
DIGITAL INFRARED ANALYSIS : Basal series (right) in both glands positive hyperthermias (red) are seen , witha symmetrical pattern . Functional series ( Left) persistance after a cold simutli two of them , each in the inner quadrants (green).
The Left suspicious lesion in the Upper Inner Quadrant (palpable) is not coincident with the thermal Summit of both glands , and after the evaluation of the 15 infrared variables :
As a complementary study : Abnormal Infrared Finding for the left breast due to the alternate signs : rised vascular pattern in the interest area (UIQ) , positive pinpoint sign (vascular network that signals the lesion) with a DELTA T between basal and functional series(GAP) of only 0.4 degrees.
Translated finally to a CCan Score of 156 for the right breast and Only 47 in the left breast .
" Final Clinical , radiological and infrared diagnosis of a possibleLeft Low Grade Breast Carcinoma "
Final Pathological Report: Well Differenciated Ductal Invasive Carcinoma.
"The DIRA as a complementary procedure offers valuable information even before biopsy , and its score is associated with the biological behaviour of the suspected lesion " EMC.
In this case the initial Surgical Oncologist offered a Radical Mastectomy (previous to the biopsy result) . Finally the patient was sent to the OR where Lumpectomy 2 cm margins and selective axillary dissection (Sentinel Lymph Nodes ) were negative .
"As a complementary study , prediction of the biological behaviour of the supicious lesion COULD UNIFY CRITERIA BETWEEN BREAST SPECIALISTS."
"In other words , DIRA offers itself as a useful tool in the day by day therapeutical decisions"
Prospective essays could reafirm these initial report .
"Without a doubt : Therapeutic Decisions did not change whatsoever , yet DIRA meaning exists and could be incorporated in our current oncological Breast Scientific language" EMC.