Breast Digital Infrared Analysis (DIRA) , a forgotten and set aside procedure.

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Breast DIRA (previously named Thermography) already proved in the past that it´s use as an screening procedure had low specificity and high sensitive values for it to be recommended as an standard care Breast diagnosis tool .
Yet , until recently (last 5 years) active research mainly by Surgical Oncologists or Breast Surgeons have published interesting results.( Cornell NY , Addenbrooke Cambridge , Ville Marie Montreal , Taiwan and Mexico CEPREC)
FDA previous published criteria were prohibiting DIRA as well as the A.C. of Radiologists ( as an initial SCREENING TOOL)

Yet it has been cleared by the FDA approval as an adjunctive screening tool for breast cancer .( under 510 k) .

DIRA´s meaning is not an ANATOMIC or ARCHITECTURAL procedure ,it is a METABOLIC or PHYSIOLOGIC ONE so at first it ´s current recommendation should be only as a COMPLEMENTARY STUDY.

As such DIRA could help in specific scenarios, BIRADS 0,3,4 and give potential useful additional data in BIRADS5. EVEN BEFORE BIOPSY
Could aid mammogram in young,dense and breast prosthesis patients, and should be evaluated in other clinical scenarios as a Neoadyuvant Monitoring tool.
Finally as an early detecion procedure specifically in underdeveloped countries , could Triage in search of aggresive forms of the disease(T1,G2_G3). And aid Physical Exam of the Breast .
This site is dedicated to open mind Breast specialists ONLY .

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

"Breast Thermography can predict and detect 8-10 years before than a mammogram"

Breast Thermography SUPPORTERS STATE  that:

 IR can detect changes before cancer is actually seen..................

I personally and certainly don´t think so it is very hard to believe  ( Not in our science and evidenced based world , not with previous technology or historical facts ) 

Here comes my and probably my colleagues question to this statement  :

"So , You tell me now but you prove it 8 to 10 years later? "


"How can I perform a Biopsy in an absent to Ultrasound , MRI or Mammogram   Non Morphological Infrared Change ?"


But ; regardless of what I thought or knew ...........time and patience brought to me  a case that can clearly support at least that this is actually not only possible but opens the door to RETHINK and REEXPLORE........

Female patient asymptomatic in her early forties until she felt a non painful LEFT breast nodule . BIRADS III you agree and surveiled under standard of care 6 months later , going from 5 to 1.1 cm in size 

After cold stress , the highest metabolic area in the left breast is highlightened clearly. 

 Digital Infrared Analysis , PINPOINTS the nodule (Arrow) 

 She underwent lumpectomy and Sentinel Lymph Node disection , Chemotherapy Radiotherapy and Tamoxifen as Hormotherapy , NOW : 
In follow consultation  , after feeling an irregular superior RIGHT area  I Performed DIRA and I asked for radiological mammo and ultrasound

 Self explaining 

So 2012 now present with a MORPHOLOGICAL visual change that was pinpointed or Insinuated since 2010

Maybe..........................But Maybe Not 
Keep posted so we can discuss pathological findings.

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